
Learn about how we've enhanced productivity for a few of our clients.

Doctor's office

We worked with the office to redesign the phone menu to make relieve the staff of answering so many calls. One change allowed patients to leave messages for prescription refills. Formerly, a patient calling in a prescription refill meant that a nurse would have to change tasks to order it when the patient called, or write it down and have to remember it later. The new system allowed the nurse to check the messages periodically, and then fill several Rx's at once--efficiency improved.

Our phones, like most others, have a light that blinks to indicate that there is a voicemail. However, the nurses wanted a way to know how many messages were in the mailbox. Vocal-Point added a small feature to its phone system to allow the message count to be displayed on the phone's screen. This greatly improved the usefulness of the new phone menu.

Remote Agents

A mortgage title company has employees that some days work from home. The remote workers could access the computers remotely without any problem, but were totally disconnected from the office's phone system. That was a problem, because those remote workers handled most of the office's inbound calls on days they were there. Their absence increased the workload of others office staffers.

Vocal-Point's phones can be connected no matter where in the world they are; all you need is an internet connection. In fact, you don't even need a phone. Your office phone could be an App on your cell phone, or a program running on your computer. Imagine dialing your coworker's three-digit extension from a coffee shop in Paris.

We set up the remote worker with a headset she connects to her home laptop, and she is able to answer calls just as if she is in the office.